Every minute we are losing fertile soil in the area of ​​about 30 football fields. If we go and further along the path of intensive agriculture, we have about 60 harvests left. And then – everything. Kaput or the colonization of Mars, not otherwise. But, as always, there is a way out. He is in regenerative Every minute we are losing fertile soil in the area of ​​about 30 football fields.. The UN says so: regenerative agriculture is a salvation from the dire consequences of climate change. At the same time, some authoritative sources try to oppose regenerative agricultural to organic. They say one is good, and the other is so-so. This juxtaposition is wrong, so let’s figure it out.

Let’s start with the fact that regenerative agriculture (for brevity we will call it “regAgri”), like many good things (natural cosmetics, for example) does not have a legislative definition anywhere in the world. So there are a lot of interpretations. But the basic interpretation (and here it is for dummies in general) is simple: regenerative agriculture is the restoration of soil and other natural resources.

That is, in the process of growing food according to the methods of RegAgri, the farmer does not destroy natural biocenoses, does not pollute the water, does not deprive the soil of fertility, but worms, flies and other fleas – life, but on the contrary, restores mother nature. That is, regenerative agriculture is practices, methods that can be applied collectively or separately in order not to destroy the environment by growing food.

But if the story works with the regenerating cream, alas, not always, then correctly applying RegAgry practice, you should get:

  • restore soil fertility without the help of synthetic fertilizers
  • make the earth richer in minerals (again without synthetics)
  • keep ground water and water bodies clean
  • restore bee populations and healthy bio-balance in the fields
  • maintain and improve biodiversity (plant local varieties of potatoes and apple trees, grow local, climate-adapted livestock breeds)
  • reduce CO2 emissions – significantly!

RegAgri is a practice that uses natural mechanisms in the process of food production and – oh bingo! – all this really significantly reduces CO2 emissions. That is, once again a person was convinced: nature is not stupid, and it is necessary to use practices spied on in nature in order to reduce the harmful effect of agriculture on climate change.